Saturday, August 27, 2005

So I begin my first blog entry.

My name is Christopher Stires. I live in Southern California. I am a writer. One of my dreams is to one day support myself with my writing.

Sometimes dreams do come true.

I have had three novels so far accepted by Zumaya Publications. The Inheritance, a horror tale, and Rebel Nation, an alternate history-thriller, are currently available at Amazon or at Dark Legend, a ghost story, does not have a release date yet.

I have had over 75 short stories, non-fiction articles, and reprints accepted by such magazines, web-zines, and anthologies such as Fangoria, Vestal Review, Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest, Fantastic: Stories of the Imagination, SFReader, Speculations, Outer Darkness, "9", Darkness Rising 7, Hauntings, Monster's Ink, and others.

Currently I just finished working with a friend on a screenplay. The Nest is a science fiction-horror story. It was a lotta fun to write and turned out really well. At least we think so. It is something like my tenth screenplay. Some have been written with my friend, some have been on my own. None have sold. Yet. I still believe that The Secret Doctrine and Darkfall -- both speculative fiction stories and both written with my friend -- would make terrific movies. I am biased however.

As for the picture above, it looked cool so I included it. Till later.

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