Happy New Year to All! May 2007 be the best of times.
A Brief Summary of 2006
A quiet 12 months overall on the writing gig but not without its moments. I received my 86th fiction acceptance for a reprint of a flash fantasy by Bewildering Tales. Also received my 410th short fiction rejection. Personal obligations kept rising up and I had to devote a lot time to resolving them. Well, the ones that I could. Some continue on. Such is life. Anyway, my New Year’s resolution is to write more new stories, articles, screenplays, and start a novel. Yeah, just a “little” resolution.
Recap 2006:
My novella, To the Mountain of the Beast, was released by Carnifex Press.
Eight short stories were published. One was published in Finland, another in the Netherlands.
I began my movie review column for the quarterly ezine Dred and I had two more film reviews appear in Bewildering Tales.
My horror screenplay, Chill, made the quarterfinals (top 10 per cent) of the Scriptapalooza contest but didn’t go any further.
The production company did not renew the option on The Nest that I wrote with Mark Sevi. We completed two new screenplays and began a dozen more that never went beyond ten pages.
I did an interview on writing horror for the Voices in the Dark newsletter. VitD also reprinted my nonfiction article, “The Character Moment.”
Hmm ... I accomplished a little more than I thought.