Monday, November 27, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cool. Well, I hope it is. I saw my first Bond films -- a double feature of Thunderball and From Russia with Love -- when I was in junior high and we were living in Richardson, a suburb of Dallas. Pierce Bronsan was good but Sean Connery is the best Bond. I have high hopes for this re-imagining of the 007 legend with Daniel Craig. It worked for Batman with Batman Begins. We'll know in a week or so, won't we?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006

My day off. Slept in. (Yeah, woke up at 7 instead of the usual 4AM.) Bills paid. Grocery shopping done and food put away. Clothes in dryer. Put gas in the Tribute. (Wow, it was only $2.19 per gallon!) Dropped bills in the mail at the post office. Put new collar on Sabrina. (The cat is currently mad at me.) Still need to go and get my hair cut. May stop by Best Buy and look at the new HD wide screen TVs. (Got my quarterly bonus and instead of paying on the credit cards or putting it in the savings, I may splurge for a change. I hate being responsible all the time.)
Yesterday, I finished what started out as a blog entry. I was tracking down “firsts” in TV and movies. The first broadcast, the first network series, the first wardrobe malfunction, and stuff like that. Found some interesting stuff. The first time the phrase “son-of-a-bitch” was uttered on network television was on an episode of M*AS*H. Anyway, the blog entry became a nonfiction article called “A Short List of Firsts in Television” (approximately 2000 words) and is in the mail to a hopefully appreciative editor. We’ll see what happens.
Kicked it for a little while. Rented Mission Impossible 3 and An American Haunting. Don’t recommend either one. MI3 is a painless action flick but nothing special except that Philip Seymour Hoffman and Ving Rhames are cool. As for Mr. Cruise, as time goes by I like him less and less. He just doesn’t make movies that I like. AAH should have been a cool little ghost movie. Unfortunately it wasn’t. And the ending fell so flat that I was shaking my head. I know it’s hard to come up with an ending that feels inevitable but not predictable but, at least, try.
On November 5th:
In 1911, western star Roy Rogers is born.
In 1935, Parker Brothers released Monopoly.
In 1941, singer Art Garfunkel is born.
In 1951, I Love Lucy premiered on TV.
In 1965, actress Famke Janssen is born. (Picture above of X-Men star.)
In 1991, actor Fred MacMurray passes away.
In 2003, singer Bobby Hatfield passes away.
Okay, gotta get moving. Sat here too long.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
From the desk of Christopher Stires
My short story, "The Killing Moon," has been translated into Finnish and published in the latest issue of Spin Magazine.
My short story, "Blood Alley," has been translated into Dutch for the Netherlands anthology Pure Fantasy.
My latest movie reviews -- Snakes on a Plane, The Descent, and Silent Hill -- are up at the newest issue of Dred ( If you're a horror fan, you owe it to yourself to see The Descent.
I did an interview that can be read at Voices in the Dark (
A reprint of my article "The Character Moment" also appeared in the Voices in the Dark newsletter (
An excerpt of my novel, To the Mountain of the Beast ( , and a reprint of "Spun Monkey" is on Bewildering Stories (
Manic Press has closed and the anthology Haunted Hellhouses of Horror, in which I had a story, has been cancelled.
The Alternate-History Thriller
Available in Trade Paperback from Zumaya Publications ( and
Order On-Line from BookSurge ( or Amazon (
“A chilling alternate history suspense novel …
Stires builds a memorable cast of characters that rivals the best of Turtledove.” – Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest
"... a novel heavy in alternate reality and rich in character...
you forget at parts that this is not a history book or based on real events." -- EpicSFF
"... a twisting, intriguing and downright solid story that shouldn't be passed over." -- The Romance Studio
"This is an intriguing novel ... fast paced .. a lot going on .... I like the twists both in the plot and in the world." -- The Eternal Night (UK)
Winner of the 2003 Dream Realm Award for Horror
Available in trade paperback from Zumaya Publications:
“… a very good first novel ... an excellent introduction to an author who shows promise for big things." -- Fangoria Magazine "In all, a very well written book reminiscent of my favourite, Dean Koontz." -- Eternal Night Magazine (UK) “Rarely do stories capture the reader's interest so absolutely, but this one does … sinister and chilling…” -- Timeless Tales
Available in Trade Paperback from Zumaya Publications (
Order On-Line from BookSurge
To the Mountain of the Beast
Science-Fiction Horror/Western
"This is the first fiction I’ve read in a long time that I devoured in one sitting because I was anxious to see what would happen next." -- author Raymond Obstfeld. "...if you always wondered what Louis L'Amour might do with aliens -- give this one a read ... Stires is a consistently entertaining and consistently suspenseful writer." -- editor and author Daniel Blackston. "The Wild West and the wilder outer space collide for a fast-paced romp." – author Simon Wood. "Chris Stires has written a whip-smart novella that allows his talents as a writer to shine: dynamic characters, intelligent plotting, and a writing style that drives the reader from chapter to chapter." – publisher and author Jason Sizemore.
Available at Amazon, Carnifex Press and Shocklines
(web addresses listed below)
Clash of Steel: Book Three -- Demon
Sword-and-Sorcery Anthology -- my story "The Beast of Lyoness"
Available at Carnifex Press, Project: Pulp, and Shocklines
(web addresses listed below)
Reprints of "The Last Gathering" will be appearing at Bewildering Stories. Also “The Hunters” in France’s Phenix Magazine, “Blood Hunt” in Greece’s Dramaturges of the Yann Magazine, and "Black Moon Night" in France's Borderline.
Also coming from Zumaya Publications (no release date yet) is my third novel, the ghost tale Dark Legend.
Cool Links TO CHECK OUT:
Apex Digest ( Science Fiction and Horror Magazine. Both Print and On-Line issues.
Carnifex Press ( A fresh face in epic fantasy, horror, and science fiction publishing.
Dred ( Bill Hughes' dark fiction quarterly.
Fangoria Magazine ( Premiere Horror Magazine.
Pitch-Black Books ( Heroic fiction publisher.
SFReader ( Speculative Fiction Book Reviews and More.
Shocklines ( Your One Stop for Horror.
Zumaya Publications ( The best in small press fiction.
"Why do bills travel at twice the speed through the mail than checks?"
Take care till next time. Write if you get the chance.
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